Don’t miss the RFID Journal LIVE! 2015 conference, where FEIG Electronics and Jamison RFID will showcase high-performance, sleek RFID systems for automated access control and information collection.
In FEIG Electronics’ Booth #512P the Jamison MOD 3 Portal cabinet will be on display with the FEIG Mid-Range RFID Reader module inside. The FEIG Mid-Range UHF RFID Reader has a built-in 3-port multiplexer on board that is ideal for accommodating three antennas inside the Jamison MOD 3 portal. Multiple configurations are available for dock doors, personnel and interior doors, aisle positions, and conveyor control. The read range from one portal is 10 feet, and up to 20 feet with 2 MOD 3 Portals around a dock door.
In the Jamison Booth #228 the FEIG Electronics Mid-Range RFID Reader will be demonstrated inside the Jamison Mini Hawk Portal. The Mini-Hawk RFID Portal is a very cost-effective, wall-mounted solution that really opens the door to smaller RFID tag reading applications for office, IT and Asset Management and Tracking solutions.
Come to the RFID Journal LIVE! 2015 Conference April 15-17 in San Diego, California, and see just how sleek an RFID system can be from Jamison RFID and FEIG Electronics.